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Hewlett-Packard has engaged Marcus Gomez to create an interactive ‘getting started’ guide for its channel partners worldwide.

The “Partnering with HP” ebook will be an integral part of HP’s new channel partner portal, where HP channel partners will be able to find everything they need to become a successful HP partner. The interactive ebook provides channel partners with an overview of how HP does business with its partners and contains guidelines on understanding HP’s Partner Code of Conduct, pricing and discounts, reporting sales data and offering support to end customers.

The project involves aggregating over 1,000 pages worth of HP’s global business practices into a 50-page interactive ebook before it is distributed to HP’s channel partners worldwide. Marcus Gomez has also agreed to a maintenance contract for the ebook as HP’s business practices evolve and improve.

In addition to the ebook for channel partners, Marcus Gomez will produce an accompanying 40-page interactive ebook for HP channel managers. This ebook is aimed at helping them understand their roles and responsibilities when dealing with channel partners and how they can create win-win situations for both parties.

About Marcus Gomez

Marcus Gomez & Partners provides world-class technical and business copywriting solutions to help global SMBs and multinationals enhance their sales, market share and corporate visibility in the international marketplace. Based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the boutique communications agency counts some of the biggest brands in the world as its customers, including Hewlett-PackardMicrosoftCisco Systems and TÜV SÜD. It also serves major government agencies such as the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), SIRIM BerhadIskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA)InvestPerak and the Ministry of International Trade and Industry.

Find out more about our communications solutions here, or see our track record to find out more about our previous work.