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Marcus Gomez & Partners was engaged by the Malaysia Investment Development Authority (MIDA) to produce the ‘Malaysia Investment Performance Report’ for the second year running.

With the future in mind, this report focused on Malaysia’s relationship with fellow members of ASEAN and investigated the nation’s plans to expand its portfolio of investment and development projects moving forward.

Asia and other developing countries worldwide attracted more than half of the global foreign direct investment (FDI) in 2014, showing the growing trend of Asia-centric development. Malaysia once again topped the charts by becoming the seventh top recipient of FDI in 2014, ahead of Taiwan, Vietnam and the Republic of Korea.

The report is available online in both English and Malay, and may be downloaded from MIDA’s Official Portal.

About Marcus Gomez

Marcus Gomez & Partners provides world-class technical and business copywriting solutions and corporate training solutions to help global SMBs and multinationals enhance their sales, market share and corporate visibility in the international marketplace. Based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the boutique communications agency counts some of the biggest brands in the world as its customers, including Hewlett-PackardMicrosoftCisco Systems and TÜV SÜD. It also serves major government agencies such as the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), SIRIM BerhadIskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA)InvestPerak and the Ministry of International Trade and Industry.

Find out more about our communications solutions here, or take a look at our track record to find out more about our previous work.