Total Communications Solutions

We bring you a wide, versatile skillset capable of handling all your communications needs. Our expertise covers all the channels of communications that you use to reach your audiences. We also support your business with process documentation and other services.

For your customers

Direct marketing tools
  • eNewsletters and direct mailers/eDMs
  • Sales letters
  • Sales proposals
  • Brochures and flyers
  • Corporate profiles
  • Product and service descriptions

Print publications
  • Newsletters
  • Magazines
  • Coffee table books
Indirect marketing tools
  • Advertorials
  • Articles and columns
  • Interviews and Q&As
  • Customer case studies
  • White papers
  • Survey Reports

Web content
  • Content management
  • Website management
  • Digital content and infographics

For your organisation

Internal communications
  • Internal newsletters/ magazines
  • Direct mailers and email blasts/ eDMs
  • CEO/MD messages
  • Blogs/columns
  • Speeches

Internal knowledge base
  • Customer support documentation
  • Charts
Market studies and research
  • Market pulse studies
  • Reseller commentary & interviews
  • Supply chain research

For external stakeholders

Stakeholder communications
  • Articles and columns
  • Interviews and Q&As
  • Case studies
  • White papers
  • Press communications
  • Board profiles
  • Corporate blogs/columns
  • Speeches
  • Letters
  • Annual reports
  • CSR reports
  • Market studies
  • Project reports
  • Technical journals and reports

Investor communications
  • Business proposals
  • Business plans
  • Direct mailers and email blasts/eDMs

Supporting services

Infographic solutions
  • Argument maps
  • Business ecosystems
  • Concept/visual mapping
  • Flowcharts
  • Sales messaging
  • Statistic visualisation
Translation and localisation
  • English to BM and/or Mandarin translation
  • Customer and external stakeholder communications
Design and layout services
  • Print
  • Digital

Professional Printing
  • Digital printing
  • Offset printing
Digital media solutions
  • eBooks
  • eDMs and email campaign management
  • Interactive PDFs
Offshore staff support
  • Editing and proofreading
  • Ghostwriting
Professional photography
  • Events
  • Facilities
  • Products
  • Personality profiles


For over 10 years, Marcus Gomez & Partners has provided clients with writing and design solutions that meet the highest international standards. Our unparalleled knowledge, versatile skillset and vast experience allows us to undertake the most demanding, multi-disciplinary assignments.

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